Comfort Inn Fallon NV

COMFORT-FALLON-REVIEWOn our way home from our amazing Salt Lake City, Utah trip, we decided to stay the night in Fallon Nevada. We were over tired from driving all those hours and it was a spur of the moment stay. We had not made any reservations so of course we “googled” local hotels.

First we stopped at the Best Western but they had no wheelchair accessible rooms available and then the lovely hotel desk clerk directed us to the Comfort Inn. She also informed us they were known to have roll-in-showers at Comfort Inn, which is exactly what we needed. (FYI: A roll-in-shower is a shower that is all tile with no edges, no lip, and no tub basin. Made perfectly for a person in a wheelchair to roll right in to the shower without having to transfer.)

So to aid other travelers who are in wheelchairs or for those that have family members in wheelchairs this is our review of their accommodations.

Overall it was a pleasant stay, but if I had been on my own it would have been difficult. Room was well suited accessibility wise, but getting in the building was a pain.

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