Hilton SLC-Utah Review

We had a fantastic stay at the Hilton in Salt Lake City, Utah. It might not look too thrilling from the outside but the inside was gorgeous. It was warm and inviting. The staff was kind and helpful.

What we really loved was the bathroom in our room. It was wheelchair accessible done right! The shower was huge and all of the handles, knobs, shower heads were with in reach! The toilet (not pictured) was a great height, with wall mounted assist bars that were well placed.

Another fantastic feature was that the bed was NOT on the typical huge platform.

Even the carpet in the hallways were not the usual thick arm breaking quality, it was nice and smooth and did not require assistance just to make it too our room.

Thank you for paying attention to all these details they REALLY added to the enjoyment of our stay.

The only BIG accessibility issue was the outside. If you plan on walking to a local shop or restaurant the driveway down to the sidewalk is extremely steep. It definitely requires assistance.

(FYI: They do have restaurants located within the hotel. While the food was excellent we found them to be a bit too pricey for our taste.)

photo 1Hilton-SLC-Lobby

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