If you enjoy unit studies or interest based studies then you’ll love these fun resources!
For the month of June you’ll BEE seeing a lot of Bee themed lessons and crafts in our social media feed.
Insta – @GurrolaFam
So join in the fun! If you do any of our activities bee-low bee-sure to tag us in your posts!

Some Fun Facts about Honey Bees
- Honey bees are one of the few bees with hairy compound eyes.
- The honey bee’s wings stroke over 200 times a second! This motion is what creates the distinctive honey bee buzz.
- During honey production periods, spring and summer, a worker bee’s life span is about 6 weeks.
- The average honey bee will actually make only one twelfth of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime… About the size of your pinky fingernail.
- Bees die after they sting! The stinger has a barb that is attached to the abdomen; so, when they sting they lose part of their abdomen and die.
- Honey bees can perceive movements that are separated by 1/300th of a second. Humans can only sense movements separated by 1/50th of a second. Were a bee to enter a cinema, it would be able to differentiate each individual movie frame being projected.
- Queens will lay almost 2000 eggs a day at a rate of 5 or 6 a minute. 75,000-200,000 eggs are laid each year.
There are some un-Bee-lievable fun ways to learn about bees here are a few FREE-BEES for you to enjoy!

Keep the fun rolling throughout the summer with SchoolhouseTeachers! There is no need to slow down your children’s education. Simply switch gears, giving them something to be excited about! Educate and entertain your kids at the same time by selecting their favorite electives during the summer months.
Starting JUNE 3RD, 2021 Use code: BUMBLEBEE during the SchoolhouseTeachers Bumblebee sale to pay only $30 (reg. $49.97) for an Ultimate Quarterly Membership, and the entire family will immediately receive access to all that SchoolhouseTeachers has to offer.