Education announcement …. read on!
If you choose the wrong collagen type it can be really bad for your wallet that’s a BIG statement right ?!?!
But its true, there are so many rip offs out there it’s hard to choose, so I thought I’d list a few points that you should search for when you choose!
There are so many ‘me too’ products on the market….. they see collagen as a trend and try and jump on the bandwagon, without having the real knowledge, passion or understanding for collagen or the consumer. Sadly its usually for Money and the uneducated consumer always loses!
So I thought I’d educate a little on why the collagen I use is so SPECIAL as you’ve all been asking and what you should look for when purchasing collagen.
Well because it’s WAY more than just collagen, its a full matrix…that’s patented!
What the heck is a matrix and why is it so important for my health, skin anti ageing etc?
First off any collagen supplement is really incomplete…WITHOUT HYALURONIC ACID AND CHONDROITIN SULPHATE , most collagen supplements have super fruits which enhance their blend or elixirs, BUT they should ALWAYS have these 2 things in there too..HA and chondroitin Sulphate…or they’re just a pretty, expensive bottle/tub of limited use blahhhhhh, no matter how potent they ‘claim’ to be!
It’s kind of like saying my kettle boils 4 times more than yours….. hmmm does it ? Can it? Where’s the research on that? Do I really need 4 times more boiled water ?!?!
Imagine collagen is like steel, its structural…its in our skin, our connective tissues, our ligaments, tendons, blood vessels and even our eyes that are 90% Collagen ! Similar to DNA it has a triple twist like a plait formation that makes it super duper strong!
Collagen is the brick in the body so as to speak……….. BUT we need hyaluronic acid as the mortar. When you see a child’s skin its moisturized and plump looking because it has an abundance of HA in it. unfortunately as we age we begin to shrivel up and lose it ………like old prunes.
Chondroitin sulphate is a chemical that is normally found in cartilage around joints in the body and is well studied to have a huge impact on joint health! and you rarely find collagen in the body without these two molecules near by, they work together!!!!
But… why Can’t I just take say a Marine beauty liquid collagen or a powder or a bovine broth for instance and have that same impact…???
Sorry but you can’t ☹️ it has a few important things missing!
We want the steel – aka collagen, we want the HA..so we plump skin glow ladies and we want the chondroitin sulphate for our joints and muscles and ligaments right ????????
There are few types of collagen out there..
TYPE 3 are just some.
Type 1 is usually sourced from boiled fish bits or bovine parts …it’s the skin, tendon, vasculature, organs, bone parts of these animals that’s boiled up to form a collagen, can be liquid OR powder..PS just because its a liquid does NOT mean its more effective.
It comes predominantly from fish farming or deep sea fishing sadly and has huge sustainability issues. Type 1 is limited to minimal effects in skin only and not really for anything else.
Type 2 is the collagen I choose and it comes from cartilage. Native type II collagen is a nutraceutical ingredient derived from chicken sternum cartilage. As you can imagine using chicken has ZERO sustainability issues. There are plenty of organic chicken parts that we can use up to make something else – aka Type 2 collagen instead of wasting it and throwing it out. This collagen nourishes hair, skin, joints, nails, the gut …the list goes on and on and on!
Type 3 collagen is a fibrillar collagen, and it consists of only one collagen α chain, in contrast to most other collagens.
In areas of the HUMAN body where collagen is found THREE things are generally present :
1)Collagen itself
2)HA ( hyaluronic acid)
3)Chondroitin sulphate in joints etc
So the matrix I use has of all three substances!!!!!!….. PLUS other potent ingredients!
It is NOT just a beauty liquid, its for full body and skin health! It has 7 patents, full peer reviewed clinical studies and research until my science brain can legit take no more!!!
Also when comparing forms of collagen keep this in mind….
The absorption rate of liquid collagen compared to powder or pills has been clinically proven to be 60% more effective. Our bodies use up 98% of our liquid extracts!
My last points….. I am getting there, I promise …when a product is invented or designed from the heart ❤️, rather than a me too …. it always shows through in the care of its design, the ingredients and the quality!
It’s not just a white label product!
If I am going to promote a product and purchase a product for myself, then I am all for consumer rights and transparency so I want to make sure I am purchasing a REAL quality product that helps not just 1 or 2 things but helps ⤵️ EVERYTHING!!
Joints ( I want to be stronger for longer)
Muscles ( tone & metabolism)
Hair ( I’d like thick hair please)
Nails ( strong healthy nails)
Skin ( glow & anti ageing)
Gut health (immunity and digestive health)
I WANT IT ALL !!……and if you spend money on collagen you should want it ALL too!
Hope that helps explain why I choose a collagen matrix!
Check out the images below of what the right collagen can do for you… it made a difference in my life and my friends… ⬇️⬇️⬇️